Manage Your Acne

Are you frustrated by acne flareups? Buffalo, NY, dermatologist Dr. Anthony Dee of the Dermatologic Center for Excellence shares a few acnetips that will help you keep your skin condition under control.

Avoid harsh skincare products

Gentle cleansers are best if you're prone to developing acne. Products that contain fragrances and harsh chemicals can irritate your skin and worsen acne.

Stay away from oils

Any product that contains oil, whether it's foundation, moisturizer or sunscreen, should be avoided. Oily products can collect your pores, increasing your pimple risk. Look for products that are oil-free or non-comedogenic. Make sure hair gels, mousse and other products you use are also oil-free, particularly if you have long hair or bangs.

Pay attention to what you eat

Although there isn't a specific food that causes pimples, some people notice that they develop more blemishes when they eat certain foods. If it seems as if your skin breaks out after you eat certain foods, it can't hurt to eliminate them from your diet.

Keep your hands away from your face

Bacteria from your hands can transfer to your face, even if you only touch it for a second. Be sure to wash your hands before you apply makeup or touch your face.

Try an over-the-counter product

Over-the-counter acne medications can be helpful if you have a mild case of acne. These products contain a variety of ingredients designed to kill bacteria on your skin, decrease oils that can clog your pores and remove dead skin cells.

Visit your dermatologist

If your acne doesn't improve after you use over-the-counter products, make an appointment with our Buffalo, NY office. We can offer a variety of treatments that may help improve your skin, including:

  • Prescription gels, creams and ointments that improve cell turnover, unclog blocked pores and prevent future blockages
  • Antibiotics, either oral or topical, that kill the p. acnes bacteria
  • Isotretinoin, a strong medication that's helpful in treating severe, cystic acne
  • Blue light therapy to shrink oil glands and kill bacteria
  • Microdermabrasion and chemical peels that exfoliate the top layers of your skin, eliminating lesions and superficial scars

A visit to the dermatologist can help you manage your acne. Call Dr. Anthony Dee of the Dermatologic Center for Excellence in Buffalo, NY, at (716) 636-3376 to schedule your appointment.

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