Prescription Treatments for Acne

Living with acne? Dr. Anthony Dee at the Dermatologic Center for Excellence in Clarence, NY and serving Buffalo, NY can provide the most effective, personalized treatment for your needs.

Acne: Diagnosis and Common Treatments

Acne is a common issue in adolescents and teenagers, but it can also occur in adults. Breakouts occur due to a variety of triggers, including improper hygiene, stress, some foods, certain medications, and hormonal fluctuations. No matter your age, visiting a dermatologist for proper diagnosis and treatment is key. In this guide, Dr. Dee and the team at the Dermatologic Center for Excellence in Clarence, NY and serving Buffalo, NY discuss the importance of a proper diagnosis and commonly prescribed treatments for acne.

Why Is a Diagnosis Necessary?

It might seem ridiculous that you would need to visit a dermatologist for a diagnosis when it seems pretty obvious that acne is your issue. However, there are times when acne is confused with other conditions. Therefore, using acne treatments will not provide the relief you seek.

Visiting a dermatologist ensures that acne is the actual problem. It also helps you understand what might be triggering your breakouts. Additionally, your dermatologist can recommend the best course of treatment for your needs and skin.

Common Acne Treatments 

In some cases, OTC treatments are effective enough to clear your acne. However, some people need stronger solutions. Dermatologists typically prescribe treatments that fall into the following categories. 

  • Topical gels and creams containing azelaic acid or other effective acids
  • Topical antibiotics, such as Retin A, for acne and subsequent inflammation
  • Oral medications for acne cases involving bacteria and inflammation

Additional Treatment Methods 

The treatments listed above can be very helpful in fighting acne, but it’s also important to address the underlying cause of your breakouts. This might require changing medications, adjusting your diet, exercising more, and various other lifestyle factors. 

In some cases, acne will need additional help. This can come in the form of corticosteroid injections, laser therapy, extractions, and more. Your dermatologist will discuss any recommended lifestyle adjustments and additional treatment options after gathering the necessary information and completing a thorough assessment. 

You don’t have to let acne take up permanent residence in your life. Visit Dr. Dee and the team at the Dermatologic Center for Excellence in Clarence, NY and serving Buffalo, NY by calling (716) 759-7759 to schedule an appointment today.

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