Tired of Wrinkles? We Can Help

Find out the many ways a dermatologist can help rejuvenate your appearance.

It’s important to feel confident in your appearance, but that may be difficult to do when you feel self-conscious about the lines and wrinkles Wrinklesin your face. Luckily, our Buffalo, NY, dermatologist, Dr. Anthony Dee, offers a variety of ways to reduce, and even get rid of, these annoying signs of aging. Here are some options to consider:



One way to reduce wrinkles and pigmentation is with retinoid containing skin care products. Retinoids are extremely effective, although they can possibly cause some side effects. Conversely, products containing alpha-hydroxy acids and antioxidants have also been known to reduce the appearance of fine lines and minor wrinkles.


Chemical Peel

There are a variety of different chemical peels on the market that can provide everything from superficial to deep cleanses depending on the issues you are looking to treat. While superficial or minor peels can make small changes in the appearance of your skin, if you are dealing with more serious pigmentation (i.e. wrinkles, lines, and scarring), then a deeper peel will be able to target these problems more effectively.

Chemical peels, particularly deeper peels, may require up to a week or more downtime. During that time, the outer layer of the skin will peel away, revealing healthier and smoother skin underneath.



Instead of applying a chemical solution to your skin, our Buffalo, NY, cosmetic dermatologist will guide a handheld device over the skin to buff away the outermost layer of skin. This skin resurfacing technique exfoliates the skin while reducing the appearance of fine lines, sun damage, acne scars, and pigmentation. It can take up to one week for the skin to fully peel and for your results to appear.


Laser Therapy

In some instances, a dermatologist may recommend laser treatment to produce similar effects as other skin resurfacing techniques. Laser treatment has the ability to stimulate the production of collagen, which helps keep skin elastic, firm and plump. Depending on the type of laser treatment you decide on, our dermatologists will discuss how much downtime you may require after your treatment.



If you are looking for a simple solution for those lines and wrinkles that appear whenever you laugh or smile, then Botox is right for you! With this treatment, you can temporarily smooth away those lines by preventing facial muscle contraction. Results last around 3-4 months and can target minor to more severe crow’s feet and laugh lines.


Give Us a Call!

If you are interested in any of the treatments above, it’s time to call Dermatologic Center for Excellence in Buffalo, NY, to schedule a consultation. Dial (716) 636-DERM (3376) today to chat about the different treatment options that will meet your cosmetic goals!

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